Museum Featured videos

Here you will see some highlighted featured videos from inside of our museum collection. They will give you some behind-the-scenes footage and visuals on what to expect at your next visit!

mannequin in a Link Trainer Flight Simulator

Featured Museum Videos

Wop May receiving a bandage over his eye.
Blind Ambition: The Wop May Story

By Catapult Pictures

He survived a dogfight with The Red Baron. He was one of the first barnstormers. He connected the world to the arctic. He helped invent search and rescue in WW2. And he did it with one eye

Curator Ryan Lee standing next to a Link Trainer Flight Simulator and a mannequin dressed as Margaret Littlewood
Margaret Littlewood and the Link Trainer

Walking through our museum, you will catch a glimpse of our Link Trainer exhibit. Ryan takes us through Margaret Littlewood’s pioneering efforts in this revolutionary method of flight training in World War II.