It’s taken four separate posts, but we have finally reached the end of our Cockpit Gallery images. These pictures, of our classic commercial aircraft, were taken by our curator, Lech Lebiedowski.
Enjoy the images above, or check below to see which cockpit belongs to which airplane.
And don’t forget to drop by the museum to see these unique aircraft. You can also keep an eye open for our Open Cockpit Day in mid-September when we open as many of our cockpits as practical so people can see inside, and in some cases sit in the cockpits, of these historic airplanes.
Barkley Grow
Barkley Grow
Barkley Grow
Barkley Grow
Beech 18
Beech 18
Beech 18
Beech 18
Beech 18
Piper Super Cub
Piper Super Cub
Piper Super Cub
Piper Super Cub
Bell 47
Bell 47
Bell 47